[Idle-dev] user interface for errors

Bruce Sherwood bas@andrew.cmu.edu
Tue, 09 Oct 2001 15:17:06 -0400

There is one important user-interface issue with idlefork, especially for 
novice programmers. The window with error messages should come forward when 
there is an error. It is easy for the novice not to see the message.

A related issue is that IDLE doesn't remember window locations. As an 
"expert", I move the output window to the lower right of my screen and 
leave it there, so that I know where to look for error messages, and I 
position other windows not to hide the output window. Novices often delete 
the output window, and since IDLE doesn't remember window locations, on the 
next run the output window may again be underneath a graphics window, in 
the center of the screen.

Bruce Sherwood