[GSoC-general] Applications are now open! Tips & examples for writing a good GSoC application.

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Thu Mar 23 16:28:17 EDT 2023

Some quick reminders for applicants: applications are now open!

If you haven't already done so, please read our instructions on how to 
apply: https://python-gsoc.org/index.html#apply

All applications MUST be sent via https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ 
-- we recommend you get a draft in there ASAP; you can update the final 
file until the final deadline.  You won't want to be fussing with 
account creation and setup during the last hours before the system 
closes, get that figured out now for the best experience.

If you want to see some examples of good proposals that were accepted, 
many contributors opted to upload them with their blogs, so you can 
click on "download proposal" under most names on 
https://blogs.python-gsoc.org/en/ to read those.

A cover letter + resume is NOT a good proposal.  If that's all you 
submit your application will likely wind up marked as spam because you 
couldn't be bothered to read the instructions.  You need to tell us what 
work you intend to do over the course of GSoC and follow the application 
guidelines.  Some years we get literally over a hundred applications 
like this that don't have enough information; please don't be one of them.


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