[GSoC-general] Proposal for GSoC 2023 participant as a contributor

Aman Kumar kr.aman8025 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 13:46:20 EST 2023

Aman Kumar

Ø I have good experience with *Java, C, C++, Python* and basic *Golang* and
*JavaScript* and good with programming skills. I also have a basic
knowledge of *Android* and *web development*.

Ø I also did an *onsite internship* at *Tata Steel UISL* where I made
project on *Employee Management System using Python and SQl*.

Ø I am also a sport programmer. I am a *5 star Hackerrank* in Java. I am a
consistent *Leetcoders* and solve *2 questions* of *Leetcode* everyday.

Ø  I have made 3-4 projects. Some of them are an *Android Chabot app,
Android Weather Forecast app* and *Android voice assistant app* using Java
in Android Studio.

Ø  Also have basic *knowledge* of *open source contribution* and *earlier*
made few *contribution* on *GitHub*.

Ø  I am also a Google Developer Student Club member in my university.

Project I am interested in :

I am interested in Pydata/Sparse project. I think I will be more excited to
contribute in this project.


I am available for full time work in this summer as I have no vacation plan
other than this project. In the official GSoC period, I will devote the
sufficient time per week which is required for this project. It’s my honour
to be the part of this event. I will remain in contact in all time through
the e-mail <knakul853 at gmail.com> and on any other communication channel
with the community

Other Commitments

   - *Do you have any other commitments during the GSoC period?*

           No, I am full time available to work with Google Summer of Code

   - *Have you applied to any other organizations? If so, to whom and do
   you have a preferred project/org?*

No. I am totally focused on this event.

   - *How you will be able to complete the project?*

           I will devote the sufficient time per week which is required for

           Project and will complete the project within the given timeline.

   - *How to approach you during Gsoc?*

          I will remain in contact in all time through the e-mail
<knakul853 at gmail.com> and on any

          other communication channel with the community.

*Contact Info*


UNIVERSITY NAME*: *C.V.Raman Global University <https://www.smvdu.ac.in/>

MAJOR*: *Computer Science and Information Technology

CURRENT YEAR: 2nd year


DEGREE*: *B.Tech


LINKEDIN: *https://www.linkedin.com/in/amankumar2002
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/amankumar2002>* <https://github.com/knakul853>

EMAIL: kr.aman8025 at gmail.com

INSTANT MESSAGING: Telegram or Whatsapp - +918235518580
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