[GSoC-general] GSoC: apply for Kivy plyer

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Wed Mar 23 03:20:38 EDT 2016

Hi weihuang,

Hopefully the Kivy folk have found you here and gotten you an answer, 
but if they haven't you should try asking your question on the 
kivy-specific mailing list here:


I'm also cc'ing Akshay at kivy, their sub-org coordinator, who may be 
able to direct you further.


On 2016-03-20 7:46 PM, weihuang wrote:
> Dear Mentors,
>    I am a Chinese girl from department of computer science, Tsinghua University.
> I am interested in Plyer project of Kivy in GSoC, and trying to work on issues#3853.
> “”"
> 	Select dock mode, restart the app, press Continue and select one of the keyboard layouts, then use the docked keyboard.
> 	TypeError: key_up() takes exactly 3 arguments (5 given)
> 	# (<kivy.uix.vkeyboard.VKeyboard object at 0x10ae9c8a0>, u'g', u'g', [])
> 	# or (keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers)
> “”"
> 	The crash can be avoided simply by appending a parameter for the function key_up
> in https://github.com/kivy/kivy/blob/master/examples/keyboard/main.py#L204
> =======
> -  def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode):
> + def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode, *args):
> =======
> Is it enough? I wonder what constitutes an appropriate patch/sample and more information about the Plyer project.
> Does “moving the Java/PyOBJus code from p4a/kivy-ios to plyer” means to deprecate  p4a/kivy-ios and to use plyer instead?
> I’ll be grateful if you can help me refine the application.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17iwUwHl_BBxECneB7rSE8TYVEUkWkwvOfiAEVgWdUC8/edit?usp=sharing
> ----------------
> Best Regards,
> Wei Huang(黄薇)
> Department of Computer Science and Technology
> Tsinghua University
> ----------------
> Best Regards,
> Wei Huang(黄薇)
> Department of Computer Science and Technology
> Tsinghua University
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