[GSoC-general] GSoC: apply for Kivy plyer

weihuang weihuang0908 at qq.com
Sun Mar 20 22:46:16 EDT 2016

Dear Mentors,
  I am a Chinese girl from department of computer science, Tsinghua University.
I am interested in Plyer project of Kivy in GSoC, and trying to work on issues#3853.
	Select dock mode, restart the app, press Continue and select one of the keyboard layouts, then use the docked keyboard.

	TypeError: key_up() takes exactly 3 arguments (5 given)

	# (<kivy.uix.vkeyboard.VKeyboard object at 0x10ae9c8a0>, u'g', u'g', [])
	# or (keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers)

	The crash can be avoided simply by appending a parameter for the function key_up
in https://github.com/kivy/kivy/blob/master/examples/keyboard/main.py#L204
-  def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode):
+ def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode, *args):

Is it enough? I wonder what constitutes an appropriate patch/sample and more information about the Plyer project.

Does “moving the Java/PyOBJus code from p4a/kivy-ios to plyer” means to deprecate  p4a/kivy-ios and to use plyer instead?

I’ll be grateful if you can help me refine the application.


Best Regards,
Wei Huang(黄薇)
Department of Computer Science and Technology 
Tsinghua University

Best Regards,
Wei Huang(黄薇)
Department of Computer Science and Technology 
Tsinghua University

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