[Expat-discuss] junk after document element at line 2053

Greg Martin Greg.Martin at TELUS.COM
Mon May 17 17:43:42 EDT 2004

A well-formed XML document has only one top level tag (as you've discovered). I think that you can only have a prolog at the beginning of a document (which would probably justify the name prolog) which would mean that if you wrapped three files in a top-level tag and any had prolog's it probably
wouldn't be well-formed either. If there was the possibility of any of the files having a prolog you might be better off to instantiate a new parser for each file. 

-----Original Message-----
From: expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org
[mailto:expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org]On Behalf Of Dan Bolser
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:51 PM
To: expat-discuss at libexpat.org
Subject: [Expat-discuss] junk after document element at line 2053

junk after document element at line 2053, column 0, byte 107114 at
line 185

I get the above where the first xml document ends and the next begins.

I am trying to parse the file with perl XML::Parser

I want the parser to simply keep going past the first document and onto
the second...

Could I just wrap the whole file in XML document tags?

Sorry for my ignorance, but how can I do this?

Suppose file1, file2 and file3 all contain multiple concatenated XML
documents, how do I create a fourth file (file4) to 'pull in' file[1-3] ?

This sounds familiar, but I have ~ zero XML experience.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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