[EuroPython] Pricing (was Re: Work on Call for Participation for EuroPython 2015 has started)

Stefanie Lück luecks at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 10:53:09 CET 2014

You are right but it is difficult to decide which days to join and to book
a hotel (much cheaper in advance), if you don't know the program or when
your talk is scheduled.

It's was just a suggestion and I don't see a waste for the half days since
there are so many people continuing to talk, meet and exchange...

2014-02-03 Giovanni Bajo <giovanni at pycon.it>:

> Il giorno 01/feb/2014, alle ore 19:23, Stefanie Lück <luecks at gmail.com>
> ha scritto:
> I think it is difficult to fit all needs and wishes (quantity, quality and
> costs). One major advantage of the PyConDE for me was, that the tutorials
> and talks were on different days. Because of this, I did not spent to many
> holidays and the costs for accommodation was much lower. Perhaps you might
> think and discuss this for future conferences.
> You're mixing cause and effect. If tutorial days are on different days,
> and you skip them, you get a shorter conference. Nobody prevents you from
> joining only 2 or 3 days of Europython instead of 5, and save on the hotel.
> Furthermore it could be convenient if the program start and end about
> lunch time. People could save two nights at a hotel, if they live not to
> far away.
> Again, you're welcome to arrive later on the first day and leave earlier
> on the last day; you'll miss part of the program, but the program you're
> missing wouldn't exist anyway, if the conference was shorter as per your
> suggestion. Once a venue is booked for the day, it's a waste to use it only
> for half-day.
> --
> Giovanni Bajo
> Python Italia APS
> EuroPython 2014
> https://ep2014.europython.eu
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