[EuroPython] Pricing (was Re: Work on Call for Participation for EuroPython 2015 has started)

Giovanni Bajo giovanni at pycon.it
Mon Feb 3 03:30:18 CET 2014

Il giorno 01/feb/2014, alle ore 19:23, Stefanie Lück <luecks at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> I think it is difficult to fit all needs and wishes (quantity, quality and costs). One major advantage of the PyConDE for me was, that the tutorials and talks were on different days. Because of this, I did not spent to many holidays and the costs for accommodation was much lower. Perhaps you might think and discuss this for future conferences.

You’re mixing cause and effect. If tutorial days are on different days, and you skip them, you get a shorter conference. Nobody prevents you from joining only 2 or 3 days of Europython instead of 5, and save on the hotel.

> Furthermore it could be convenient if the program start and end about lunch time. People could save two nights at a hotel, if they live not to far away.

Again, you’re welcome to arrive later on the first day and leave earlier on the last day; you’ll miss part of the program, but the program you’re missing wouldn’t exist anyway, if the conference was shorter as per your suggestion. Once a venue is booked for the day, it’s a waste to use it only for half-day.
Giovanni Bajo
Python Italia APS

EuroPython 2014

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