[EuroPython] Posters next year?

Michael Sparks zathras at thwackety.com
Thu Oct 6 02:00:11 CEST 2005

On Sunday 02 October 2005 16:46, Benedikt Hegner wrote:
> we at CERN had a discussion about proposing a poster session next
> year and personally I like the idea. The only problem - most of the
> people have no experience in making a poster and It is quite
> different from holding a presentation. Nevertheless +1 :-)


BTW, if this suggestion goes ahead, if we could get people to produce their 
posters in advance, its *possible* that I might be able to get the printed up 
at work. I'd have to discuss that with people, but we do have inhouse 
printing (and poster making) facilities.

IMO, the lack of experience of making posters is likely to be more than made
up for by the exhuberance people have shown at Euro Python. They might
not be all "standard" form then, but I suspect they'd be a really cool
eclectic mix :-)

I'd also suggest that the posters need not have an associated talk. (Some 
people REALLY don't like standing up in front of people, but have some very 
interesting things to say!/they're doing!)


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