[EuroPython] List of things that need doing

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Mon Apr 4 19:46:40 CEST 2005


I send some observations by mail instead of wainting until tomorrow to 
discuss them. IRC meetings tend to be qquite chaotic in spite of 
everyones efforts to make them efficient, so I figured we can start the 
discussion a priori.

Here goes:

Jacob Hallén wrote:
> Internet access
> - Internet access last year was inadequate. We would like to plug in
>   a couple more access points, so that there is coverage in all the
>   lecture halls, and in the cafeteria. This needs to be negotiated with
>   Chalmers Nätgrupp.

I need lots of details of what went wrong, in what rooms coverage was 
not adequate, and as much info as possible of this. There is very very 
little space for improvement for the coverage, and I am bit uncertain as 
to how much of a problem there actually were: I've heard from people 
that were suprised at how smooth and working it was to rumours of people 
not being happy with it. In short I need to have concrete descriptions 
of what was unsatisfactiry in order to be able to negotiate.

For instance, the cafeteria is definitely hard to get internet access to 
because it is a) placed in an area not covered by radio and b) there are 
no possiblities of doing cabled connection.

I also would like to point out that bringing one's own equipment and 
expecting it to work will probably fail this year, due to the kind of 
security framework used in the network access area. You are welcome to 
try and see if it works, but the available connections with the wall 
mounted ethernet sockets in the Arkitekture Light Garden are not 
designed to nor supposed to work with hubs and switches - only with 
single computers.

I will bring it up with the network group and see what we can expect, 
but do not expect too much from the free internet access we have.

I have allready asked about better coverage in some of the lecture 
halls, and depending on equipment avilability, we *may* get better 
coverage in some areas. This is a possibility, not a promise.

 > - We also need to get accounts created for all attendees, including
 >   accounts for on-site registrants.

did this work allright last year? (all accounts where prefabricated by 
the network group). If not, what needs to be improved?

/dario - more questions to come later.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
"...and click? damn, I need to kill -9 Word again..." - b using macosx

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