[EuroPython] Registration almost working

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Apr 6 11:27:34 EDT 2004

Status at 1630 BST:

Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net> writes:

> Unless I'm being blind, the confirmation email doesn't tell you what
> accomodation you've booked.  It does tell you what you've paid for
> accomodation.

Still needs doing.

> There's a bug in the page you get after succeeding at paying with
> worldpay:
>     http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/oy.jpg
> (I can probably fix this given a few moments and a bit of grepping).

Have fixed this.

> It might be nice (tm) if there was a "no accomodation" option on the
> accomodation page.  Currently there's a slight (and false) sense of
> irrevocability about reaching this page.  Or we could just add text
> that says "put a zero in this box if you don't want our accomodation".
> I would be nice (tm) but possibly deeply fiddly to have the finish
> button appear on the personal info page iff you've already filled out
> one of the other pages.  Actually, this is probably not that hard in
> ZPT-speak.

Can't be bothered with either of these right now.

>> Things that need polishing:
>> - The forms need to get text added.
> Yup.  I think bea & I are getting on to this.

Still pending.

>> - The confirmation texts need polishing.
> Yup.

I think something's happened here.

>> - The "book room" tab needs to be removed. It is no longer needed.
> Working on it...

It's gone!

>> - All the test entries have to be removed
> Yes!  Should be easy in the ZMI, though.

They're gone!  New ones are still piling up, of course.

>> - If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults and 0 
>> nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how though.
> Finding it hard to care...

Still true.

>> - There is no counting of booked beds. We either have to keep tab
>> manually or implement counting.

shapr reckons this is probably fairly easy.

There's a problem with your setting for Country disappearing if any
fields fail to validate.  We're on this...


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    FORD:  No.
  ZAPHOD:  Neither do I.  Frightening isn't it?
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