[EuroPython] For everybody

Andy Robinson andy@reportlab.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 12:40:56 +0100

> Now, I'm a little bit sceptic however on the fact if there is enough
> interest for a second EuroPython conference. Not many 
> people have shown
> their interest in giving a talk. If it stays like this, 
> their won't be a
> conference (my opinion). I would like to hear from the 
> track chair people if
> there is indeed a lack of interest. If they think they can 
> change it. If
> they think they can attrack people for giving a talk at the 
> conference. So
> that EuroPython can provide a good balanced program to the visitors

I will certainly give one full tutorial as promised
and have material for 3-4 other things (talks, BOFs
etc).  Another conference, 2 business trips and an illness
just mean I have not had time to upload talk proposals and
well-thought-out abstracts.  Expect this over Easter.

- Andy Robinson