[EuroPython] For everybody

Tom Deprez tom@aragne.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 13:32:42 +0200

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Tom Deprez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yesterday, I've been at Charleroi. Denis (for those who don't know,
>> the local organiser (PS3B;Argane) of last year and this year), told
>> me that everything what we had last year will be there this year as
>> well: Conference building, projectors, catering, .... So this is
>> something we don't have to worry about (in case people did).
> Great :-)
>> I've contacted Joachim some days ago and he told me that the
>> online-registration could be available before Eastern. So, this is
>> good new as well. From the moment Joachim has the link ready, we can
>> start with the online registration, which is soon.
> Cool. Have the entry fees been finalized yet ?

Yes, see also news at europython :-)

>> Now, I'm a little bit sceptic however on the fact if there is enough
>> interest for a second EuroPython conference. Not many people have
>> shown their interest in giving a talk. If it stays like this, their
>> won't be a conference (my opinion). I would like to hear from the
>> track chair people if there is indeed a lack of interest. If they
>> think they can change it. If they think they can attrack people for
>> giving a talk at the conference. So that EuroPython can provide a
>> good balanced program to the visitors
> The Business Track is coming along nicely. Tim and I will try to
> get more people interested, but there's no worry in getting enough
> talks for the track.
> One question: the track submission form allows registering talks
> for tracks which were cancelled, e.g. the web services one. I
> suppose the track chairmen can simply "grab" talks for these
> tracks an stick them on their track, right ?

Damn, this keeps following us. I'll see what I can do about it.
Anyhow, Track Chairman can still switch talks.
As I see it:  People who enter a talk, propose a track. Track Chairman have
the authority to move them.
