[Edu-sig] K–12 Computer Science Framework -- k12cs.org

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 12:33:09 EDT 2016

Hi Wes --

I'm in agreement with points 7 & 8 in:


i.e. the policy of making compsci courses count
towards math requirements.

NCTM has endorsed this approach as well, though
maybe only luke-warmly.

The above paper,  Making Computer Science
Fundamental to K–12 Education: Eight Policy Ideas.
is linked from:


wherein it's suggested high schools offer "specialized courses"
in addition to AP CS.  That leaves the door open for
some much needed innovation and curriculum development
(what role will the teachers themselves play in that?).

Here's my main question:  will already on-the-job math
teachers get it together to offer these "specialized courses"
that include significant amounts of programming?

Example titles these high school math teachers might use:

Hacking Math Class by Peter Farrell
http://www.farrellpolymath.com/  (uses Raspberry-Pi)

Mathematics for the Digital Age & Programming
in Python by Litvin & Litvin

Doing Math with Python by Amit Saha

In other words, what public policies will enable / empower
math teachers to shift gears and get certification to teach
these specialized compsci-like courses?

As a consultant to the Oregon legislature, and lobbyist,
I'm keen to provide such opportunities to Oregon's math
teachers, in part so we don't have to wait for an all new
compsci faculty to boot itself up within every high school.

That'll take longer than offering free professional devel-
opment to the math teachers we've already got.  It's not
either / or.




PS:  also, yes to teaching unit testing, testing in general, early.
That's part of the "check your work" ethic already prevalent in
math teaching.  I show that approach in action here, about
composition of functions.

(see code cell #5)
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