[Edu-sig] Researching Article: Survey of Python for Kids

Michael Tobis mtobis at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 22:58:13 CET 2007

I will be writing an article in the next Python Papers (
http://pythonpapers.cgpublisher.com/ ) ; a survey of Python in pre-college
education, and an introduction to the issues raised by the still highly
unresolved interface between software and education.

The article will be broad rather than deep, but hopefully will provide
enough extra push to preserve the momentum of discussion in the Python
community about deeper issues that got such an enormous boost at the last

I'm a fairly quick writer so I will put off the writing until the last week.
I have about two weeks to collect information.

In addition to the stuff mentioned on
http://www.python.org/community/sigs/current/edu-sig/ I intend to also touch
   Crunchy Frog
   Jython and web-based environments
   the PyCon 2007 keynotes by Goldberg, Lefkowitz and Krstic

Please contact me directly or reply to this message if you know of any other
projects or ideas that are deserving of mention in this article. I'd like to
complete my research for this survey article by April 2.

I am also interested in hearing from you if
   - you have taught classes in Python as a first programming language,
especially for pre-college age audiences
   - you have released software that is targeted at beginning programmers
which either exposes Python or uses Python under the hood
   - you are developing such software
   - you have or can point me to any historical background, especially about

This may also serve as an occasion to update the edu-sig page!

Michael Tobis
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