[docs] Volunteer for documentation

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pydocs at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 21:39:10 CET 2014

Hi Charles,

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Charles Walker
<cwalker343 at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:
> I look forward to hearing from you about how I may be of assistance. I don't
> currently have any preferences in what sort of documentation I'd work in.
> I'm used to doing what needs doing.

There are very few parts of Python that are completely undocumented,
but there are several places that need some amount of tweaking.  The
'Bugs' page of the documentation[1] should have enough information to
get you started; if not, improving the Bugs page is a good place to
get started ;).

If you're looking for a larger project, and especially if you're
familiar with C, all of the C-API documentation ("Extending and
Embedding" and "Python/C API") needs a thorough going-over to make
sure things actually make sense for Python 3 (checking that all
examples work, making sure everything is documented, making sure what
is documented is actually correct anymore, etc).  I'm not sure if
there's any specific open issue for that, but I suspect there are
probably several issues relating to some part of that overall need.

There are also a few tools available to help find things that need
fixing, including the "coverage", "linkcheck", "suspicious", and
"doctest" builders for Sphinx (see Doc/readme.txt).

And, of course, there's always the option of just reading whatever
strikes your fancy and keeping track of any problems you find in it.

Any questions you have, feel free to ask here on docs@ (for
documentation-related questions), or on the core-mentorship list (for
pretty much anything else).

I hope I've been of some help, and welcome to Python!

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/bugs.html

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