[docs] Fwd: reporting python bugs

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pydocs at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 07:00:47 CET 2014

Hi James,

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:43 PM, James Lowden <james.lowden at continuum.io> wrote:
> The pydoc.py documentation does  not mention that it honors environment
> variables.  Specifically, the pager used is PAGER.  On Windows this is
> especially useful if you install git, which supplies GNU less.  By setting
> PAGER and writing a little .cmd file to invoke pydoc.py, the pydoc
> command-line Windows experience becomes tolerable, lifted out of the circa
> 1986 more.com feature desert.
> Note that if used with git's GNU less, the PAGER environment variable value
> should use forward slashes (C:/path/to/less.exe).  Git also honors the PAGER
> variable, but interprets backslashes as escapes.  pydoc apparently treats it
> as an opaque string, benefiting from the little-known fact that win32
> functions accept either as a directory separator.

Thanks for the report!  I've added a small blurb about PAGER to the pydoc docs.


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