[docs] Fwd: reporting python bugs

James Lowden james.lowden at continuum.io
Thu Nov 27 03:43:41 CET 2014

​The pydoc.py documentation
<https://docs.python.org/2/library/pydoc.html?highlight=pydoc> does  not
mention that it honors environment variables.  Specifically, the pager used
is PAGER.  On Windows this is especially useful if you install git, which
supplies GNU less.  By setting PAGER and writing a little .cmd file to
invoke pydoc.py, the pydoc command-line Windows experience becomes
tolerable, lifted out of the circa 1986 more.com feature desert.

Note that if used with git's GNU less, the PAGER environment variable value
should use forward slashes (C:/path/to/less.exe).  Git also honors the
PAGER variable, but interprets backslashes as escapes.  pydoc apparently
treats it as an opaque string, benefiting from the little-known fact that
win32 functions accept either as a directory separator.
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