[Doc-SIG] Substitutions, encoding results

David Goodger goodger@python.org
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 23:04:22 -0500

David Priest wrote:
> My substitution file nears completion.  I'll pass it on when I'm done.

Please do.  I have just made substitutions case-sensitive but forgiving, 
falling back to case-insensitive matches whenever necessary.  Now 
"|eacute|" and "|Eacute|" can have distinct definitions and references.

> So far using substition to insert characters by name more or less 
> works.  There are a few problems:
> 1) Some important Unicode characters can not be substituted.

Why not?

> 2) Substitutions can not be against non-white space.  Thus you can not 
> use a |sup3| substitution in your text.  You also can not emphasize 
> substitutions.

The recent addition of disappearing escaped whitespace should have 
solved this one.

David Goodger    http://starship.python.net/~goodger

Programmer/sysadmin for hire: http://starship.python.net/~goodger/cv