[Doc-SIG] More broken \ref links

engelbert gruber bert@chello.at
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 17:47:35 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Neal Norwitz wrote:

> I guessed by replacing chop() with chomp() and this seemed to work.
> chop() removes the last char while chomp() removes whitespace.
> Is that correct?  Is removing whitespace what was desired?

chop removes the last character of a string and returns it.
  it is mor efficient than s/// because it does not scan.

chomp removes any trailing string that corresponds to the current
   $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, cr lf or both.

when in doubt about removing dos,unix or mac eol i use something like
   $ln =~ s/[\x0a\x0d]*$//;
but this fails the save every microsecond requirement, as does chomp.

engelbert gruber
email: engelbert.gruber@ssg.co.at