[Doc-SIG] a wish list

Manuel Gutierrez Algaba irmina@ctv.es
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 14:07:40 +0000 (GMT)

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Mark Hammond wrote:

> James writes:
> >   For whatever it's worth, I've outlined the ways I would like to
> > use Python documentation in an ideal world. These items are listed
> > from most important to least important. Maybe this will provide some
> > hints about the best way to implement markup.
> I cant argue with anything you have written - although what Python
> needs (and this effort is no different) are less good ideas, and more
> code.
> Im afraid there is no army of coders just sitting around waiting for
> good ideas to implement.  Why not tackle even one of your wishlist
> yourself, and present some code?  Then any issues you have with the
> current markup scheme are more likely to be listened to, as we then
> have _something_ to help put it into context, rather than an abstract
> concept about what is may happen to be good if anything is ever
> implemented...
I'm aware of the need for comprehensive information and search
engines, and I do know that *FEW* people code get involved in 
large projects that help the others. Because of that I guessed
a method of producing lots of information with little effort.
A bit of markup is all.
I'm doing this for TeX, and in python. 
In http://www.ctv.es/USERS/irmina/TeEncontreX.html
( the project is GPL and sources are supplied in Sources!)
It could be done similarly for python.
In fact I posted in Comp.lang.python. But nobody replied. The more
I live in Internet, the surer I'm of three facts:
- People rarely get involved
- People who gets involved usually involve in stupid projects 
(irc-bots, ftp clients,... always the same)
- Interesting people who do interesting projects do so big things
that It's difficult for the others to follow. Moreover interesting/
capable people doesn't get involved in esay things. 

I'm 100% sure that my method of storing information is quite valuable,
easy,... But regretfully it seems not to be interesting to anybody.

My addresses / mis direcciones: 
b=[("Lritaunas Peki Project", ""),
   ("Spanish users of LaTeX(en Espanyol)", "/pyttex.htm" ),
   ("page of drawing utility for tex ", "/texpython.htm" ),
for i in b:
  print i[0],":", a+i[1]

  Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around us in awareness. -- James Thurber