[Doc-SIG] Global Module Index

Christopher G. Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 13:17:59 -0500

On Wed, Feb 24, 1999 at 01:01:29PM -0500, Fred L. Drake wrote:
> Christopher G. Petrilli writes:
>  > I wonder if it's possible to notate "platform specific" modules in
>  > italics or something?  Just so people don't go looking for them if they
>   I think explicit markup of the information would be the most
> appropriate way to deal with this.  Perhaps the \declaremodule could
> optionally be followed by a \platform macro that accepted a comma-
> separated list of platforms (sys.platform values) as a parameter.  If
> \platform isn't specified, the module would be considered portable.

Or maybe an option component of \declaremodule?  This sounds good
though, as it would require people to explicitely document platform
specific pieces, and eventually could be used to break the manual into
pieces automatically. 

| Christopher Petrilli                      ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli@amber.org                          the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright