[Distutils] status check on PEP 517

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 06:22:52 EDT 2017

On 20 July 2017 at 10:46, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
> To make this concrete: I'm *pretty* sure (?) that at this point all
> the basic elements in my "simplified" rewrite are things that we now
> have consensus are needed in some form, so maybe we can use that as a
> kind of "minimal core" reference point:
>   https://github.com/njsmith/peps/commits/517-refactor-streamline/pep-0517.txt

I don't have time this week to look at this, sorry, but a couple of points:

1) This links to a commit in your repo, not to the actual document.
Also, I'd *really* prefer a rendered version if I'm going to review
this. However,
2) I'd much rather if we're going for a "stop and take stock" style of
reset, that we base that off what's currently in the official version
of the PEP. Trying to read a new document and identify the differences
from the working version is both time consuming and error prone. I
don't think there's any reason that any of your questions wouldn't
just as reasonably apply to the official version of the PEP.

Sorry I don't have time to say anything further at this point.

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