[Distutils] RFC: PEP 541 - Package Index Name Retention

Dariusz Suchojad dsuch at zato.io
Mon Jan 16 17:19:29 EST 2017

On 16/01/17 23:10, Robert Collins wrote:
> So, this proposition didn't really make sense to me. Folk like Linux
> distros will want the source, and you don't need to upload wheels :-
> setup.py could quite reasonably limit itself to software installation, vs
> configuration. Plenty of pip installable packages are not entirely ready to
> use after pip installation.

Hi Robert,

I'm not clear if this was meant in reply to my email? I'm genuinely

I just don't know how to relate it to the suggestion I made in this message:


There are several sub-threads in this discussion and I'm not quite sure
what you mean.


Dariusz Suchojad

ESB, SOA, REST, APIs and Cloud Integrations in Python

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