[Distutils] PyPi/Warehouse & User Agent Strings

Cooper Ry Lees me at cooperlees.com
Wed Dec 6 12:05:44 EST 2017

I don't know what's authoritative, but I can share that it has helped with devpi or bandersnatch having bugs in the past.

Bandersnatch sends something like:
"bandersnatch/2.1.2 (cpython 3.6.3-candidate1, Linux x86_64)"
Code: https://goo.gl/fGgtu8


> On Dec 6, 2017, at 4:33 AM, Simon Kennedy <sffjunkie+python at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few quick questions about pip/pypi and user agent strings.
> Does PyPi/Warehouse do anything with the user agent string or does it just go into the BigQuery system?
> What elements of the user agent string are used?
> Is the pip source code the reference document or is there a separate specification?
> ---
> Simon
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