[Distutils] New buildout release needed

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Wed Jul 1 14:01:16 CEST 2015

Jim Fulton schreef op 01-07-15 om 13:02:
> You can make a bootstrap release by merging to the bootstrap_release branch.
> I can make releases this weekend, or I can empower you. Which would you prefer?
I wouldn't mind making the release :-) My pypi username is 'reinout'.

Anything special I should be aware of (apart from the separate git tags 
for zc.recipe.egg)?


Reinout van Rees                          http://reinout.vanrees.org/
reinout at vanrees.org                   http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"Learning history by destroying artifacts is a time-honored atrocity"

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