[Distutils] New buildout release needed

Jim Fulton jim at jimfulton.info
Wed Jul 1 13:02:28 CEST 2015

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Reinout van Rees <reinout at vanrees.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've done quite a lot of work on buildout in the last two or three weeks.
> Merging pull requests and also submitting a couple of my own.


> If you look at the list of pull requests
> (https://github.com/buildout/buildout/pulls) you'll see a bunch that need
> further work ("doc or tests needed") and a handful of "plus or minus" pull
> requests, dealing with plus-minus stuff regarding sections. I don't use that
> much and I haven't looked at those yet. Perhaps someone else wants to?
> I've also set up travis-ci.org caching so that the builds on travis run two
> to three times faster.
> And I've fixed several issues dealing with non-ascii filenames. Apparently,
> if you install pyramid (for instance), buildout will fail to run. Apparently
> it is enough to install something like mr.bob to break buildout totally. It
> is now fixed in https://github.com/buildout/buildout/pull/250
> There are two things that need doing now that I cannot do:
> - Review https://github.com/buildout/buildout/pull/248 with a number of
> bootstrap fixes. The fixes themselves aren't controversial, I think (adding
> a version, for instance). The one thing I want feedback on is that buildout
> now deletes the contents of the develop-eggs/ directory when it bootstraps.
> This helps a lot with faulty left-over egg-links in corner cases. The old
> osc.recipe.sysegg recipe for instance used to reliably wreak my buildouts
> (syseggrecipe is the replacement that does the right thing). Zapping the
> develop-eggs contents on bootstrap helps solve several problems. In my case,
> I really want this change to go in as it might mean the difference between
> my company using buildout or not... I'm getting tired of saying "oh, remove
> the develop-eggs directory contents".
> - Make a new zc.buildout, zc.recipe.egg and bootstrap.py release. See issue
> https://github.com/buildout/buildout/issues/249 .

You can make a bootstrap release by merging to the bootstrap_release branch.

I can make releases this weekend, or I can empower you. Which would you prefer?


Jim Fulton

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