[Distutils] One package for both python and jython

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Nov 20 03:36:34 CET 2009

At 04:40 PM 11/19/2009 +0100, Fabrizio Pollastri wrote:
>the source structure is the following.
>     my_package_source_dir/
>         common_files
>         files_for_python
>         files_for_jython
>It will be a maximum, if distutils let me to reach the following goals.
>1. python/jython setup.py sdist command has to build the 
>distribution tar my_package.tar.gz containing all files required by 
>python and by jython.
>2. python setup.py install command has to install in the python package tree
>    my_package_source_dir/
>         common_files
>         files_for_python
>3. jython setup.py install command has to install in the jython package tree
>    my_package_source_dir/
>         common_files
>         files_for_jython
>It is possible to implement this behavior with the setup function of

As long as the Python and Jython files are distinct packages or 
distinct top-level modules, you can simply pass different parameters 
to setup(), based on which platform you're on.  (Specifically, 
changing the 'packages' and 'py_modules' parameters.)

(If you have to have different versions of the *same* packages or 
modules, it's a bit more difficult and the directory layout is more 
complex, but it can still be done.) 

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