[Distutils] SETUPTOOLS - Loading Eggs which do not have an egg_info

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Fri Dec 8 21:17:19 CET 2006

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> I have the following use-case:
> within an application, i like to load several plugins from an folder, 
> without any user-interaction
> app/plugins/pluginone
> app/plugins/plugintwo
> the plugins (standard sources prepared for setuptools, coming from svn) 
> are arranged like this:
> pluginone/one
> pluginone/setup.py #standard setup.py file
> Is there any documented way to load such a "raw egg" (egg sources 
> without a generated egg-info) into the application, without the need to 
> generate the egg-info?

As a summary to this thread:

I hope that a few other developers have a similar view and realize the
need o "raw eggs" or "lightweight egg-based plugins", thus we can
workout a solution. If anyone is interested, please contact me.

This is a starting point, nothing else:


The requirements as a whole:




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