[Distutils] SETUPTOOLS - Loading Eggs which do not have an egg_info

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Fri Dec 8 21:16:43 CET 2006

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 09:22 PM 12/8/2006 +0200, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>> At 08:24 PM 12/8/2006 +0200, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>>>> Retrieving a few values directly from the setup.py (instead from an
>>>> egg-info) would be fast and without any dependency.
>>> In order to invoke run_setup to get the data, you must import, *at 
>> absolute
>>> minimum*:
>>> distutils
>> ...
>> I must read-in(!) at absolute minimum just the "setup.py" file, without
>> any includes.
> Then you are confused about how run_setup() works.  run_setup() invokes the 
> setup.py, which causes all of those modules to be imported.

I'm not refering to "run_setup".

> Perhaps you intend to instead parse the setup.py and figure out what it 
> does from its syntax tree, without actually executing it?  Good luck on 
> that as well.

You are speculating much to complex.

Possibly during the long work on setuptools you've forgotten a few basic 

  * python is very dynamic and expressive.
  * python is simple.
  * python stays simple, except you make things complex.


I have to sleep now.

A good night (day) to all!



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