[Distutils] Distutils has no module named util, or is it a package problem?

Ben Bangert ben at groovie.org
Thu Nov 10 23:20:58 CET 2005

On Nov 10, 2005, at 2:05 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:

> I wasn't sure, so I did it to be safe.  It shouldn't effect anything.
>>> except it doesn't work when doing the sandbox install, and the  
>>> exception comes during the sandbox phase.  I'm not sure why a  
>>> sandbox installation is happening (zip_safe is explicitly set to  
>>> False)?
>> easy_install runs all setup scripts in a sandbox, since it has no  
>> way of knowing whether a given script is "safe" until it actually  
>> runs it in the sandbox.  Easier to ask forgiveness than  
>> permission, you might say.  :)
> But apparently that import doesn't work when in the sandbox.  Why  
> test it when setup() says explicitly that it isn't safe?

Even if it doesn't 'test' it, it would still need a sandbox to stick  
the svn checkout in while it builds and installs it, no? (Not that I  
have any clue how setuptools works, but this is just a guess)

- Ben

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