[Distutils] setuptools.pth being installed with wrong permissions

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Jul 20 03:51:45 CEST 2005

At 05:06 PM 7/19/2005 -0500, Nicholas Riley wrote:
>I was installing setuptools on another machine so I could use the
>egg-based plugin support in the upcoming Trac 0.9
>(projects.edgewall.com/trac).  It's looking really neat - you'll be
>able to upload an egg via the Web and have it installed into the
>currently active Trac, or just drop an egg into a directory.

Cool.  Note that if you use EasyInstall, you could also just have people 
type in the name or URL of a package, and then Trac could find and install it.

Also, as of the CVS HEAD of setuptools, there are now facilities you can 
easily use to perform an action upon availability of an egg.  So, you could 
look for a
'trac-config.py' metadata file (that the package distributor puts in their 
package.egg-info directory before building) and run it so the egg can 
register its Trac modules, if any.

>Previously I had no version of setuptools installed on this machine,
>so I downloaded ez_setup.py and ran it.  It didn't work the first
>time, because setuptools.pth got installed with the wrong permissions
>(my umask is 077).  The egg itself had the correct permissions,

Interesting.  Did easy-install.pth get the right permissions, or no?  I'd 
have expected them to end up with the same permissions.  Directories 
probably get correct permissions, but I'm not doing any explicit 
permissions setting anywhere.

By the way, I'd suggest testing against the current CVS HEAD as soon as 
practical, because there are some significant API changes in there.  Also, 
that's where any permissions bug fix would go, at least until 0.6a1 is 

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