[Distutils] Windows installer.

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Tue Jan 9 07:31:01 2001

> Hello,
> I have been looking at the windows installer coming with distutils. It
> seems
> fine for installing python extensions but not for what I would call
> "python applications" e.g. a games. For the end user the fact that an  
> application is written in python is basically irrelevant (except that
> python 
> needs to be installed to run it). 
The issue is that distutils (currently) only cares about installing
python _extensions_, not python _applications_.

> An application will typically be installed in "C:\Program Files".
> Furthermore the user will   expect a desktop shortcut, a start menu
> entry and an uninstall program. The current windows installer does not
> seem to be capable of installing, let alone generating such things. 

The windows installer could easily be modified to create shortcuts,
say, for the scripts arguments to setup(), and provide
uninstall facilities. The hooks are there.

Typically, for a professional looking 'application', you would
first run the 'main script' through something like Gordon's windows
installer, and pack the output into a windows installation program
like wise or inno. BTW, I have a similar package like Gordon's installer
which is integrated into distutils.

