[Distutils] borland compiler

Pete Shinners pete@visionart.com
Thu Sep 28 14:53:06 2000

> Just at this moment I'm looking into this issue (currently
> for MSVC, soon for Borland).
> The real problem seems to be that distutils currently has
> problems with library names, so this issue will have to be fixed.
> > 
> > perhaps i'm better off going with cygnus or mingw? what
> > is the most common free win32 compiler for use with distutils?

thanks thomas. i found a website with more info.

using all the info garnerd. running a simple command,
"coff2omf python20.lib python20_bcpp.lib", has yielded
perfect results. i can now do

"python setup.py build --c=bcpp" and get perfect PYD
files from my extension source. distutils wins again!

> MSVC (which is the best compiler for win32), can be freely
> downloaded from MS if you don't care for (very) large downloads.
> There was a thread yesterday on c.l.p about this.

good golly, my newsfeed is ugly now, but i'll check for
this on deja