[Distutils] Complling on IRIX OS

Curtis Jensen cjensen@bioeng.ucsd.edu
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 11:24:31 -0800

Andrew Dalke wrote:
> Curtis Jensen said:
> > To install on an IRIX OS, sometimes we need to
> > compile with the -o32 flag.
> There are two problems here:
>  1) Before 1.5.2 (or 1.5.1?), Python for IRIX
> didn't store the SGI_ABI setting.  Thus, the
> compiler uses the default settings.  With 1.5.2,
> the Makefile.pre.in contains the ABI value.
>  2) The default ABI changed with IRIX 6.5 from
>  -o32 to -n32.  If your Python install is from
> 1.5.1 days, then compilations will fail because
> of the mismatched ABIs.
>   In theory, setting SGI_ABI environment variable
> to -o32 should work, but I found it best to modify
> Makefile.pre.in to force the setting on the CFLAGS
> and LDFLAGS lines.
>   If my guess as to what's wrong with your set up
> is right, then it isn't a distutils problem; it's
> a Python problem which has since been fixed, and
> you can use my workaround until you do a newer
> install.
>                         Andrew Dalke
>                         dalke@acm.org

the command "python -c "import sys;print sys.version""
reveals: "1.5.2 (#1, Sep 20 1999, 15:11:12) [C]"

So, we are using Python 1.5.2.  

Curtis Jensen
FAX (425) 740-1451