[Distutils] Case mismatch error? (was: problem when installing under WinNT)

Greg Ward gward@ase.com
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 21:19:58 -0400

Berthold Hoellmann <hoel@germanlloyd.org>:
> I've written a package called qpPy, which I would like to install under
> WinNT. But when I import the successfull installed I get:
> ...
> NameError: Case mismatch for module name qpPy.py
> ...
> Is there any idea how to solve this (besides renaming the file by hand)?

Are you sure this is a Distutils problem?  If you copy qpPy.py manually,
do you still get the case mismatch?  What *is* the case of the installed
filename, and how are you trying to import it?  It would help to show
some state-of-the-filesystem snapshots before and after Distutils
installs the file, and explain why exactly there's a case mismatch
(remember, not all of us use Python on Windows, so not everyone is
necessarily familiar with this case-mismatch problem -- I certainly am
not, so I can only guess about what's going on here).

Greg Ward - Unix bigot                                  gward@ase.com
Never put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the day after tomorrow.