[DB-SIG] paramstyles, again (and now voting)

Art Protin aprotin at research.att.com
Mon Jun 4 20:03:00 CEST 2007

Dear folks,
    Carsten Haese wrote:

>On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 12:13 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>Hmm, default style brings up a new issue:
>>If there will be more than one style, should there be a common
>No, the default will be implementation-defined for backwards
>compatibility. There will be a common way of switching to the common
>mandatory paramstyle.
>>>might want to convey which paramstyles the module can accept. I see
>>>* Invent a new module attribute called paramstyles that is a list or
>>>of supported paramstyles.
>>>* Simply raise ValueError if the programmer requests an unsupported
>>>parameter style.
>>I kinda think it been decided that the set of styles will be required
>of all 
>>modules.  But given that it was never voted on, add it to the ballot.
>I think we're more leaning towards making only one common style
>mandatory, and allowing other styles as optional extensions.
The collective may be leaning toward a more status quo with allowing 
other styles
as extensions, BUT I for one, strongly endorse forbidding whatever is 
not required
in the the way of parameter styles (or at the very least dropping any 
mention of any
parameter style that is not required).  I do not care much about how 
easy it is to
implement.  I care more about how easy it is for users of the interfaces 
to understand
and be able to "transfer" that understanding to another interface.  The 
users should
be able to know how to get the parameter style that they want to use 
without having
to switch the DB backend and interface module to get it.  To me, that is 
the only
reason for a shared API, to allow the users to code to common standards. 
    If users can not code to a common standard with Python, they will 
code to a common
standard with JAVA & JDBC.

    Thank you all,
    Art Protin

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