[DB-SIG] DCOracle + DCOracle2

Andy Todd andy47@halfcooked.com
Wed, 01 May 2002 11:26:43 +1000

Lane, George wrote:
> We have DCOracle installed on a Solaris machine running Oracle 8.1.6.  
> Has anyone tried installing DCOracle2 in addition to DCOracle?  Any 
> problems or issues with coexistence?
>  From an application standpoint, the biggest changes seem to be 
> returning list of lists using fetchxxx(rather than a list of tuples), 
> and the executemany statement discussed in the docs (which we hadn't 
> been using). 
> The longer process is redoing the applications which currently rely on 
> DCOracle... 
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-


Architecturally (is that a real word?) the major differences are that 
DCOracle uses OCI 7 calls (i.e. native to Oracle7) and DCOracle2 uses 
OCI 8 calls (i.e. native to Oracle8, 8i and 9i) and that DCOracle2 
adheres to the DB-API 2.0 specification.

I don't believe there is a problem having both installed but I would 
recommend that you reduce your reliance on DCOracle for a couple of 

Firstly Oracle are currently gently deprecating any use of Oracle 7 
specific features (like OCI 7 calls) and this will become less and less 
gentle in the near future. Specifically don't expect later versions of 
Oracle9i to play nice with this code.

Secondly, DCOracle2 is DB-API 2.0 compliant which is much easier to work 
with than the preceding version. Supporting this driver will mean that 
you will have to change some of your Python code, but I believe that 
change will be for the better.

 From the desk of Andrew J Todd esq - http://www.halfcooked.com