[DB-SIG] create database in Python Database API 2.0

Marek Isalski python.db-sig@maz.nu
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:31:05 +0000

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Kevin Jacobs [jacobs@penguin.theopalgroup.com] wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Dennis Sacks wrote:
> > I want to execute something like "create database" from python, yet I
> > cannot do it with a cursor.execute. What is the mechanism for executing
> > nontransaction oriented commands like that?
> 'create database' is one of those commands that some drivers cannot execu=
> at all.  What backend and driver are you having trouble with?  Also, most
> cursors can run commands like 'create/drop/alter table/index/view/etc'.

Speaking for KInterbasDB (Firebird/Interbase bindings that I'm involved
in), we've provided an execute_immediate() function in the module which
gets around this problem.  It's a bit of a kludge, I admit...

Should it really matter that some drivers cannot execute this command?
After all, the DB-API specifies rollback() as optional.  Perhaps a formal
specification of a function like execute_immediate() could help here?
Optional for backends that support it.


I'm going stir-crazy, and I've joined the ranks of the walking brain-
dead, but otherwise I'm just peachy.
    -- Lyta Hall on parenthood, in SANDMAN #40: "Parliament of
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