[DB-SIG] create database in Python Database API 2.0

Kevin Jacobs jacobs@penguin.theopalgroup.com
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:17:50 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Dennis Sacks wrote:
> I want to execute something like "create database" from python, yet I
> cannot do it with a cursor.execute. What is the mechanism for executing
> nontransaction oriented commands like that?

'create database' is one of those commands that some drivers cannot execute
at all.  What backend and driver are you having trouble with?  Also, most
cursors can run commands like 'create/drop/alter table/index/view/etc'.


Kevin Jacobs
The OPAL Group - Enterprise Systems Architect
Voice: (216) 986-0710 x 19         E-mail: jacobs@theopalgroup.com
Fax:   (216) 986-0714              WWW:    http://www.theopalgroup.com