[Cython] New hosting

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon Apr 27 20:56:09 CEST 2015

Robert Bradshaw schrieb am 27.04.2015 um 20:15:
> We also have travis.ci,
> which isn't as configurable as jenkins, but may be good enough. (The
> biggest deficiency is that it probably wouldn't allow for building and
> testing Sage regularly, or benchmarks, this is the one thing that we
> may need to find/provide custom hosting for.)

... and it won't easily allow us to track the CPython development branches
and build against them. A really neat feature of our Jenkins server was
that it could nicely store away pre-built artefacts for later reuse on the
same machine, such as a series of CPython branch builds, and just happily
rebuilt them regularly on external changes. That totally helped spotting
integration problems as early as possible, including bugs on both sides.


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