[Cython] getting rid of redundancy in the docs

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 19:07:10 CEST 2013

Hello Stefan,

I think that this is a good idea and I just thought that I'd throw the
following out there.  We got rid of a lot of redundancy by eliminating our
wiki for PyTables.  It was a little bit of a hassle to move all of the moin
pages that we had to sphinx, but ultimately I think that it was the right
decision.  It made it way easier on developers and -- hopefully -- users as
well to just have a single place where the documentation kept.   (As a
Cython user I have definitely forgotten whether I read something on the
sphinx doc or the wiki.)

So +1 to this idea, but unfortunately, I can't volunteer any time to
actually work on it :(.

Be Well

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently added a couple of things to the documentation and constantly
> failed to find the right place to add it at first (or sometimes even
> second) guess. The problem is that the documentation is highly redundant.
> We discussed this before, but it's really getting in the way now.
> What I would like to see eventually (and let's discuss this openly on the
> cython-users list), is just a tutorial part to explain the major features,
> and a reference part that explains all the rest in detail. The user guide
> is highly redundant with both.
> However, since the current user guide carries a whole load of text, I think
> it's easier to make it the new reference part and merge the (few) current
> reference pages back into the user guide. And then extract the sections
> that actually belong into the tutorial part, i.e. delete the Overview, move
> the Basic Tutorial over, and most likely some other sections, too.
> Does everyone agree about that approach? Is anyone able to help with this?
> Stefan
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