[Cython] getting rid of redundancy in the docs

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sun Jul 14 08:47:46 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I recently added a couple of things to the documentation and constantly
failed to find the right place to add it at first (or sometimes even
second) guess. The problem is that the documentation is highly redundant.
We discussed this before, but it's really getting in the way now.

What I would like to see eventually (and let's discuss this openly on the
cython-users list), is just a tutorial part to explain the major features,
and a reference part that explains all the rest in detail. The user guide
is highly redundant with both.

However, since the current user guide carries a whole load of text, I think
it's easier to make it the new reference part and merge the (few) current
reference pages back into the user guide. And then extract the sections
that actually belong into the tutorial part, i.e. delete the Overview, move
the Basic Tutorial over, and most likely some other sections, too.

Does everyone agree about that approach? Is anyone able to help with this?


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