[Cython] nonecheck directive

Vitja Makarov vitja.makarov at gmail.com
Sun May 22 09:10:04 CEST 2011

2011/5/22 Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>:
> Dag Sverre Seljebotn, 21.05.2011 09:07:
>> On 05/21/2011 07:57 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
>>> In the future, I think we should be more careful with potentially
>>> harmful options, and always prefer safety over speed - *especially* when
>>> we know that the safe way will improve at some point.
>> There wasn't a point where anybody wasn't careful about this;
> Sorry if I sounded offensive. It just felt too wrong from today's POV
> (which, I hope, is properly reflected by my paragraph above).
>> it is simply
>> something that was inherited from Pyrex. The nonecheck directive came much
>> later.
> Well, it wouldn't have been the first time we change the default behaviour
> from the way Pyrex originally worked to something we deem more correct.
> Looks like we missed that opportunity back then.
> I think Vitja's "uninitialised" branch is our way out of this.

Now it's called "_control_flow" btw.
Now None initialization is removed and everything seems to work.


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