[Cryptography-dev] wheels for win/arm64 platforms

Paul Kehrer paul.l.kehrer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 07:15:09 EDT 2021

Our current process for macOS arm64 involves me manually running a
build script (which runs all our tests as part of the build). I don't
want to expand that process; it is one of our biggest wishes that
GitHub Actions ship arm64 macOS! We do use quite a bit of linaro
resources at the moment through OpenDev -- are there any plans to
enable win/arm64 CI through that vector?

That said, we're generally going to be judicious about adding
additional (platform, arch) tuples to our build systems until we have
access to good (performant!) CI and have some demonstrated demand in
the wild. A large CI system with all the potential flakiness that
entails can be an albatross around the neck of a project, especially
if many of those architectures have little real world use.



On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 7:04 PM Niyas Sait <niyas.sait at linaro.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been looking at enabling cryptography python package for windows on arm64 targets. Luckily without much effort, I was able to compile OpenSSL and then the cryptography package, and all unit tests were completed successfully as well.
> I would like to explore how we would be able to test and produce win/arm64 binary wheels for cryptography on pypi repository.
> One of the main issues would be the lack of win/arm64 machines on the cloud. Considering we are already producing binary wheels for mac/arm64 without cloud support I think it probably doesn't have to be a blocker and we might be able to look into the same strategy for producing wheels for win/arm64.
> Can someone provide some insights on how we can add support for win/arm64 ?
> Thanks,
> Niyas
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