[Cryptography-dev] wheels for win/arm64 platforms

Niyas Sait niyas.sait at linaro.org
Tue Nov 2 05:54:15 EDT 2021


I have been looking at enabling cryptography python package for windows on
arm64 targets. Luckily without much effort, I was able to compile OpenSSL
and then the cryptography package, and all unit tests were completed
successfully as well.

I would like to explore how we would be able to test and produce win/arm64
binary wheels for cryptography on pypi repository.

One of the main issues would be the lack of win/arm64 machines on the
cloud. Considering we are already producing binary wheels for mac/arm64
without cloud support I think it probably doesn't have to be a blocker and
we might be able to look into the same strategy for producing wheels for

Can someone provide some insights on how we can add support for win/arm64 ?

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