[C++-sig] Bugs in the Boost.Python tutorial example

Michael Rolle m at rolle.name
Mon Nov 17 23:30:45 CET 2014

Thanks, Stefan.

I've created a ticket on the tracker that you provided the link to.  It's 
number 10799.

In this case, the fixes should be pretty simple and probably involve the 
rules for linking DLLs generally and for making Python extensions.  One of 
the fixes just involves a change to a boost-build.jam file, so that it will 
point to the same build system that the tutorial just told me to create with 
the bootstrap command.

Michael Rolle
(408) 313-8149
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stefan Seefeld" <stefan at seefeld.name>
To: <cplusplus-sig at python.org>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [C++-sig] Bugs in the Boost.Python tutorial example

> On 17/11/14 04:50 PM, Jim Bosch wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Michael Rolle <m at rolle.name
>> <mailto:m at rolle.name>> wrote:
>>     Are you the one responsible for maintaining / bug fixing for
>>     Boost.Python?  Or would I assume someone else will see my post and
>>     act on it?  Actually, what I want to know is how I report bugs to
>>     whomever will fix them.
>> To my knowledge, the answer to this question is actually a rather
>> unhappy one - I'm not sure anyone is currently maintaining
>> Boost.Python.  I think there may still be general Boost devs who will
>> fix critical bugs, especially if the bug report is accompanied by a
>> patch, but there are a lot of stale tickets in the issue tracker
>> (https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost), and I don't know of anyone who
>> really feels any strong ownership of the library at this stage.  I've
>> thought about stepping up to do some of it myself, but given that my
>> day job now involves working with Swig (even though I prefer
>> Boost.Python), it's just not something I can do.
>> I'd love to be corrected by anyone on this list who can say otherwise,
>> of course.
> Unfortunately, I can't. In addition to that, it seems the problems
> reported in this thread are rather about the build system, which at
> least some of those with expertise in Boost.Python aren't very familiar
> with, in particular if it affects platforms they don't use themselves.
> (Specifically: I'd be happy to help fix issues with the Boost.Python
> code itself, but I don't feel competent with bjam / Boost.Build, and my
> knowledge of MSVC is almost non-existent, not to speak of the fact that
> I have no computer near me running Windows, so I couldn't even test any
> Windows-specific patches.)
>    Stefan
> -- 
>      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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