[C++-sig] Is there any class member method number limit for boost.python?

Grant Tang grant.tang at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 17:48:08 CEST 2011


I have a class wrapped to Python which has 334 member .def(). After I added 
one more method, i.e. .def(), it shows segfault when I import this class it 
in Python. Strangely, this only happens on 64 bit CentOS 4.8 with gcc 3.4.6. 
It works fine with the 335th member method on 32 bit CentOS 4.8 with gcc 
3.4.6. And also works fine with both 32 and 64 bit CentOS 5.6 with gcc 

I can comment any one of member methods to make the number of methods <= 334 
in my class to make it work on the 64 bit CentOS 4.8. It looks like there is 
such member method number limit on this 64 bit gcc3.4.6 platform. Please 


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