[C++-sig] Linking issues with Boost.Python

Nat Goodspeed nat at lindenlab.com
Wed Aug 18 17:18:18 CEST 2010

David Aldrich wrote:

>> I would strongly recommend that you use something more modern than
>> GNU make. Boost's build system is much better. The one I use is scons
>> (http://www.scons.org/) whose only main fault is O(N^2) scaling to
>> source file number, a problem they are in the process of fixing.
> Should one consider bjam?

That's what Niall meant by "Boost's build system." Boost.Build uses bjam 
as its engine, with substantial work around that.

I've always found bjam syntax a bit off-putting, and I've never read the 
available Boost.Build documentation, which is probably superb. So in 
fairness to the work of many others, I'll only note that many of the 
questions on the boost-users mailing list seem to be from people 
confused by proper use of '--' on the bjam command line, proper 
placement of spaces and commas in the configuration files, etc.

I really want to like scons: I see no need to invent a whole new 
language for a build engine.

That said, our organization presently uses CMake.

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