[C++-sig] Linking issues with Boost.Python

David Aldrich David.Aldrich at EU.NEC.COM
Wed Aug 18 16:32:01 CEST 2010

Hi Niall

> I would strongly recommend that you use something more modern than
> GNU make. Boost's build system is much better. The one I use is scons
> (http://www.scons.org/) whose only main fault is O(N^2) scaling to
> source file number, a problem they are in the process of fixing.

I take your point. Personally, I find makefiles very hard to maintain. In particular, our #include dependency management is indecipherable! I guess the obvious replacements are SCons and CMake. I will take a look at these.

Should one consider bjam?

Thanks very much for answering my other questions.

Best regards


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